Archives: Help & Docs
Additional CSS classes: Media & Text Block- full width image
In the Astratic Theme, we have added new CSS classes that allow you to create an element in the full width of the screen. On one side there is a graphic / photo / movie and on the other side there is text on a colored background. In addition, the element is responsive, it works […]
WordPress Security: Best Practices
WordPress security is our priority. Here are the steps you should follow to keep your website secure. How to increase the security of your WordPress site? Choosing a safe theme Choosing the right theme is not without significance for WordPress security. To protect your website, install themes only from trusted sources. Creating a child theme […]
Group in the Gutenberg editor
There are some useful practices that can make website building a lot easier. The group function in the Gutenberg editor is definitely one of them. What does converting any item in the Gutenberg editor into a group look like? Gutenberg is a build-in WordPress editor since 5.6. version. It enables building posts and pages with […]
Internal linking and SEO
Internal linking has many benefits. How is it done and what effects can it bring for your website? The structure of internal links is practical for the user – it makes it easier to navigate the website. It also guarantees a longer stay on the website of the user or a potential customer. Links added […]
How to add a CSS border style?
The Astratic theme comes with a set of CSS classes with which you can make additional improvements or changes while creating any layout. You can use them to extend the possibilities of Gutenberg’s bricks or to customize the appearance of the pieces. In the Astratic theme, we have added new CSS classes that allow you […]
Website footer: what to insert into it?
The footer of a website is an element that customers often focus their attention on. Here are some of our tips for getting the most out of your website footer. It is located at the bottom, it contains the most important data and redirects to other subpages. It is often separated from the rest of […]
How To Add WordPress Widgets
WordPress Widgets are pieces of content that can be added to specific areas of your site such as the sidebar or footer. Widgets allow you to add various additional elements to your website, such as the navigation menu, social media tools, newsletter forms, search forms for the list of popular entries or recently added comments […]
Query loop: How to create a page with a list of posts?
In WordPress, you can create a page with entries. A great example is a “blog” page with all the posts sorted by date. How to create such a website? It’s easy, use the query loop. There is a Query Loop block in the Gutenberg editor that allows you to display the entries or pages where […]
Create reusable blocks
The Gutenberg editor gives the user the ability to create reusable blocks. They are irreplaceable when certain blocks need to be regularly added to a specific page or post type. These are blocks that you configure once, save and reuse in other WordPress posts or pages without having to re-edit them. It can be a […]
Operating instructions for license key
The Astratic theme is a ready-made website builder. It has everything you need to build a business website or blog. Here you will find a clear step-by-step guide walks you through how to download, install and activate your brand new Astratic theme. In this article, you will get instructions on how the license key works. After finalizing […]
How to disable “powered by Astratic” in the footer
The WordPress footer is the bottom of the site. It appears on all pages on your site. The footer usually contains information such as: the name of the company to which the website belongs or contact details on social media. Many websites have a copyright text section in the footer. In WordPress, there are several […]
How to add any font from Google Fonts to your website
If you want to add new font to your website, and this new font is available in Google Fonts collection you can use this manual. It’s very easy and you should be able to follow all required steps even if you are not a technical person. First of all, choose the font from the library […]
Smart additional CSS classes
By using the Astratic theme you gain access to additional CSS classes. You can use them to extend the capabilities of the Gutenberg blocks or to customize the appearance of the elements. Some classes are available for all blocks, some for specific blocks only, below you can find a full list of them: CSS classes […]
Introduction to WordPress admin panel
Are wondering if you can handle WordPress on your own? Here is a quick introduction of how the WordPress admin panel looks like and how to navigate through this system. Login into WordPress Here is how the login panel looks like. Login and password are created automatically while choosing WordPress as a website system during […]
Website design with Gutenberg editor: top favorite features
Gutenberg is a build-in WordPress editor since 5.6. version. It enables building posts and pages with blocks. Here are our top favorite features in using Gutenberg editor to design websites. Gutenberg editor in WordPress As we mentioned in our previous article – Gutenberg, unfortunately, has a bad reputation. After a hard start, many users felt […]
How to turn off comments in WordPress
Sometimes messages from customers or visitors aren’t needed. Your blog articles may be strictly informative or you want to redirect any kind of engagement to a different channel. Anyway – here is how to turn off comments in WordPress. Discussion on website In a previous article, we described how to avoid spam attacks on your […]
How to analyze website traffic [recomended plugins]
When your website is created and polished, then you start to be interested in: how do the recipients react to it? Which content is often searchable? Where the traffic is redirected from? We present the best practices on how to analyze traffic on your website. WordPress plugins to analyze website traffic We will introduce you […]
How to block spam comments on your WordPress blog?
Bots are the first one who visits your blog or freshly designed website. Unfortunately. Here is an efficient solution for how to avoid spam comments and protect your website from being affected. Spam comments The simplest way to minimize spam comments is to turn off the ability to leave ones. Of course, comments are an […]
Installing the SSL certificate on your website
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a network protocol that enables data encryption. It is a widely accepted standard for websites to become more secure. It allows you to establish safe connections between the web browser and the server on which the website is located. With an SSL certificate, all information sent in both directions is […]
How to turn on/off the footer or header on your website?
Astratic theme has a few very useful build-in options. One of them is a turn on/off option for the footer or header that can be used from page/post edition view. Here is where to find it. Create a new post/page Go to the right side menu switch from block to document view scroll down to […]
Q & A: Should categories and tag have the same name?
It is a question asked by one of our clients. The short answer is: no. You shouldn’t add categories and tags with the same name. Here is why. WordPress taxonomy Categories and tags are used to better organize your WordPress content. With it you raise the probability of better website ranking. Using a blog as […]
How to add link in your WordPress blog post
Are you wondering how to add link to any kind of text in your blog? Here is a quick instruction with Gutenberg editor. Text linking in Gutenberg editor Because our Astratic theme is based in Gutenberg editor, we can proudly say we are its believers. This question comes from one of our first clients who […]
Introduction to the Astratic admin panel
Choosing a new WordPress theme could be a hard decision. Which one is best suited for you? Which best serves its purpose? We know that usability is one of the most important values. To show you how Astratic meets this requirement we prepared a quick introduction to the Astratic admin panel. Sticky menu Neura. pro […]
Pingback: how to turn off information about links to my post
Information about pingback annoys you? Here is how to quickly turn off this option in Astratic WordPress theme. What is a pingback? Pingback is a piece of information that somewhere on the Internet someone in linking to your post. This information appears under the comment section under the specific posts and in the WordPress admin […]
How to organize your content into categories and tags
If you are just starting your WordPress blog you are probably figuring out how to organize your content into categories and tags. Here is a quick intro how to do it correctly. Categories WordPress Navigation is a crucial part in major part of WordPress websites. With a well-thought-out strategy it is easier to guide your […]
How to turn on/off category and tag in a single post view
In Astratic theme you have ability to turn on or off view of categories or tags in your blog posts. To do it go to Appearance > Customize > Astratic – Blog settings > Single blog > Meta settings: With this feature you can moderate what is displayed in your single post view 🙂 More […]
How to change an URL on your WordPress page
Something weird appears in your website address? Some uninvited elements are in your URL? Here is how to fix this! How to change an URL? In Astratic we have a simple solution. Go to the menu panel on the right side of the post or page click Document > URL Slug. Please note that the […]
Website logo: size and settings
The website logo is quite important if you want your website to be recognizable. You can add a custom logo to your WordPress site. And, even if it is easy and requires just a few clicks, the result may be unsatisfactory. Here is how to create the right design and crop correctly to provide the […]
Creating a Custom Post Type (CPT) in Astratic theme
WordPress has started as a simple blogging platform but treating it the same way now would be a big understatement. It is a robust Content Management System (CMS) that goes far beyond posts and articles. One way to discover its full potential is by using a custom post type. What is a custom post type? […]
How to create a contact form?
Keeping in touch with customers is a key value for every company. Creating a safe space to ask for advice, send a question, or write about difficulties builds the whole experience that people have with your product or service. This the reason why contact form is one of the most important elements on your website. […]
Fixed (sticky) navigation bar in Astratic
As you will quickly notice – Astratic theme has a build-in function that allows expand navigation options. Here is a quick guide how to use features included in Top Bar section. Fixed Navigation Bar A fixed navigation bar can also be referred as a “sticky” navigation bar. It is a feature that “holds” the top […]
Information bar in Astratic
This feature of Astratic theme lets you to add banner with custom information in the top section of your website. You can add any kind of short text with links or even a rich formatted HTML code, menu, latest posts or any other type of widget. To turn it on go to Apperance > Customize […]
How to disable search engines from indexing my site?
In one of our articles, we described how to create a coming soon page. In addition to telling your customers that your business page isn’t ready yet, if you want to prevent it from being found in search results, here’s how to turn off indexing. How to turn off indexing in Google? In order for […]
What happens when the Astratic key license expires?
“Will my website stop working?” “Will my work be lost?” Here is an explanation what happens when you stop updating your theme and don’t activate a Astratic key license (and why it is nothing to worry about :)). Astratic key license First, what is a WordPress theme. It is an element that is responsible for […]
I have problem with activating my Astratic key license
We did out best to create problem-free tool for WordPress creators. But we are aware it is still on its way to perfection. Here are some helpful steps to follow while you experience problems with activating Astratic key license “Please enter a correct key license” “Please enter a correct key license” is a first message […]
White screen after installation Astratic theme
You have successfully installed and activated the Astratic theme but you are seeing white screen – website not working? Here is a quick introduce why it has occurred and how to solve it. Why my website isn’t working? Lets’ check following steps: you purchased Astratic theme you uploaded a .zip file with the theme you […]
How to create a menu in WordPress?
Menu is an important navigation element on your website. Here is where to start creating menu and whole content tree on your website. Menu in WordPress If you have just launched a new website using Astratic theme, you probably ask: “where to start?”. Creating menu is good idea! Start with idea how your content should […]
Installation guide for Astratic theme
Astratic is a WordPress Theme that helps to build simple business-oriented websites, blogs and landing pages. In our installation guide you will find a clear step-by-step guide walks you through how to download, install and activate your brand new Astratic theme!️? If you are a WordPress newbie, these steps will help you understand the major […]
Where to start designing your first website?
If you are a Astratic newbie and have already installed the theme you probably think: “great, but what now?”. Here is an useful guide where to start designing your first website. Customize You have already done the technical part of work. Now it’s time for fun! You can start designing your website with uploading logo, […]
What is a child theme in WordPress?
In this quick article we explain what is a child theme in WordPress and when you should use it. You probably read this because you have already purchased Astratic theme and wonder: “which theme I should use?” In simple words: if want to create a simple website with a few pages there is no need […]
How to upload a logo and set up colors, fonts: customize WordPress
Wondering where you will find the most important settings for your website? Where to set the most important elements like fonts and colors? What a favicon is? How to upload a logo? Here is a quick guide how to customize WordPress. Customize WordPress WordPress admin panel has a place where we can make custom changes. […]
WordPress: how to launch your first website?
Working with the WordPress system allows creating the website without making any changes to the code. With useful and intuitive admin panel instead. Thanks to this, designing and editing a website is possible for anyone without hiring a team of specialists. Building WordPress website Before we go over the various steps of creating a website, […]
How to set up colors in Astratic theme?
Here you will find a quick introduction on how to set up the colors using the color palette in Astratic theme. This settings can be found in the Appearance > Customize section in your WordPress admin panel. Here you have just four options to check – two main: general and editor color pallet, and two […]
Privacy Policy page: how to make your website GDPR compliant
According to the European Union directive (GDPR), every person processing data on the Internet is obliged to inform for what purpose and where this data is collected. Therefore, on every website, it should be a page with Privacy Policy. How to prepare one? Here is quick instruction. GDPR page for website Every website which has […]
Coming soon page in WordPress
When you create a new WordPress website, you need some time to make all the changes. Here is a simple instruction on how to set up a coming soon page or maintenance mode page on your website, so that you can calmly do the necessary work (and even engage your customers!) Coming soon page step […]
How to add Google Map on WordPress website
If you run a local business and need to be in touch with your customers or suppliers, location is essential to reach your company headquarters. Are you wondering how to add Google Map on your WordPress website? Here is a quick instruction thanks to which you can easily set direction in the contact page. Gutenberg […]
Landing page with Astratic WordPress theme
A landing page is a powerful tool, especially for an online business. It can be used to encourage purchase, subscription, or new product promotion. Below you will find a simple guide on how to build a landing page in WordPress, using basic features of Gutenberg editor and functions built into the Astratic theme. Landing page […]
Additional CSS classes ready to use in your Gutenberg blocks
Astratic theme includes a set of CSS classes that will help you to make some extra adjustments or changes while building any kind of custom layout (for example landing page). These classes are very easy to use and can be applied in different elements like Gutenberg blocks. Its purpose is to help more advanced users […]
How to install WordPress theme
A WordPress theme is an element that is responsible for the appearance of the website. It is what makes a portfolio (e.g. of your projects) or a recipes appear on your website. If you are wondering how to install a theme in WordPress, let us reassure you – it’s a very simple operation ? In […]
How import / export settings data
Use of the Astratic Child Theme (instead of the parent Astratic Theme) is recommended when you plan to modify or overwrite the source code of the theme. If you are making extensive customizations – beyond styles and a few theme files – creating a parent theme might be a better option than a child theme. […]