How to Preview a Draft Post in WordPress

In this guide, I will present one of the practical functions in WordPress – previewing a draft post before publication. This tool is valuable not only for content creators but also for those who want to share a draft without the need to log into the admin panel. But before I get into the details, I want to note that in today’s guide, I am using a plugin called Post Draft Preview.

Installing and using the Post Draft Preview plugin

Time for some hands-on practice. The first step is to install the ‘Post Draft Preview’ plugin. To do this, I go to the WordPress admin panel, select the ‘Plugins’ section, and then ‘Add New.’ In the search field, I type the name of the plugin, ‘Post Draft Preview,’ then click ‘Install’ and ‘Activate.’

Generating a draft link

After activating the plugin, I go to edit the post. Now in the editor, a ‘Enable PDP’ button will appear. Click it to generate a special draft link.

Adding the Link to Your Site

You can copy and share the generated link with interested parties without requiring them to log into the WordPress admin panel. This is an ideal solution if you want to share your post or page while working on it.


That’s it! Now you can conveniently use the Post Draft Preview plugin, making sharing drafts simpler and more accessible. Experiment with the links, adjust to your needs, and enjoy the functionality of this practical plugin! If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, feel free to write in the comments!

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