We search on the Internet for the answer to almost everything. Christmas cookies recipes, gift ideas for Dad, how to haircut my husband. And a major part of the answers is found in blogs. Here is how to start a WordPress blog with Astratic theme.

How to start a WordPress blog [and why use CMS?]
First, a quick introduction. WordPress is an open-source software named CMS (Content Management System). It enables website administration without any coding knowledge. Using WordPress you introduce changes, settings, and create content using a simple interface.
Now, we know the basics – let’s dive in the practical part.
Name for your website
The inspiration for this post is a case study. One of our customers – a beginner blogger – started a website with Astratic theme. She reached us with some important questions (about a domain, hosting, installation), and get an exhaustive answer.
But one thing we haven’t predicted.
As she started, she noticed that her website is not even searchable. It can’t be found on Google. As we discovered, she picked up the exact title as one travel book. The book is mentioned in top portals for readers that a single blog can’t compete with. Maybe when time passes the popularity of the book would decrease, and her blog will go up – but we have a better solution.
Title and description as key phrases
WordPress has a few important settings that can be treated as independent elements. As we described above – the domain is one part, but the title and website description can differ from it. Here you should insert unique key phrases. Some words, sentences, or expressions that make finding your website easier.
The good news is this: with a blog you have so many more possibilities! Every single post works separately for your search result and can be the one that attracts visitors.
Let’s say you blog about traveling. You can put the “travel blog” phrase everywhere on your website. But it is highly competitive. The far more successful strategy is to focus on creating good, helpful, and useful content. Because, yes. It is a real value for your audience.
How to start a WordPress blog: golden practice
And here is how we get to the point. Starting a blog in WordPress has one important step to follow: creating content. Your design may be imperfect, you can use the same name as a famous book title, but you still have chances to build your online carrier. Just write, write, write.
Create valuable, actual, and regular content.
To do it the best way possible, we recommend three steps:
- check for phrases that your target audience is looking for (with Google Keyword Planner or Ubesuggest)
- analyze your competitors (what you can add, expand, do better)
- find a unique niche (be as specific as possible in deciding who you address your content: single travelers, families, autostop hipsters?)
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