Working with the WordPress system allows creating the website without making any changes to the code. With useful and intuitive admin panel instead. Thanks to this, designing and editing a website is possible for anyone without hiring a team of specialists.

Building WordPress website
Before we go over the various steps of creating a website, we will answer the most important questions:
What is WordPress?
WordPress is a Content Management System (acronym: CMS). The authors of this system gave each user the ability to independently administer the website content without any coding knowledge. By creating an interface, they provide a tool for giving commands in the form of buttons and functions in the administrator panel, which is automatically translated into changes in the code.
Is WordPress free?
Yes. WordPress is an open-source system that can be used free of charge. So is creating a website absolutely free? Not exactly. We explain everything below.
Website: domain, hosting and theme
WordPress as a system is free. However, a website needs a few additional elements that are provided independently. These items include:
- domain (the website “name”, e.g.
- hosting (the cloud/server where website files are stored)
- WordPress theme (element responsible for website appearance)
How much domain and hosting costs?
The website address and server are necessary for the proper functioning of every website. The moment you type a phrase into a search engine, e.g. “”, robots search trillions of bits of information trying to suggest the most appropriate results. This communication takes place with servers where each page’s data is stored.
Prices vary depending on the company. The hosting price depends on the number of visitors (UU, Unique Users) and domain cost depends on its popularity. What is worth noticing, these are amounts that are paid once a year.
(If you want to know where to buy domain and hosting jump to this article).
WordPress theme: free or paid?
WordPress itself is a system for managing the content of a website, not its external appearance. That’s where WordPress themes enter the stage.
Free Themes are great for people who want a very simple website or blog. When a store, an extensive menu, or additional elements are planned in the future, the free theme may not be enough. It is much better to think about a paid theme from the beginning. It has much more possibilities, such as the Astratic theme created by us.
With WordPress, website designing and administration are available to everyone. Thanks to this we have the opportunity to materialize our online ideas, projects, and creation which can gain more recognizability. It is great – not only for online business – but for building the personal brand also.
Do you have any questions? Is it anything we could help? Write the comment below 🙂