Additional CSS classes: Media & Text Block- full width image

In the Astratic Theme, we have added new CSS classes that allow you to create an element in the full width of the screen. On one side there is a graphic / photo / movie and on the other side there is text on a colored background.

In addition, the element is responsive, it works so that on a small display the graphics / photo / movie will be positioned above or below (depending on what class we use) the text on the background.

How to use the CSS class?

Group block
Full width
CSS classes

sets the photo / video on the right and with a small screen it sets the photo / video below the text


sets the photo / video on the right and with a small screen it positions the photo / video above the text


sets the photo / video on the left and with a small screen it sets the photo / video below the text


sets the photo / video on the left and with a small screen it positions the photo / video above the text

Background color setting
Cover block
Full width

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