As a WordPress Developer you already know it: Using a child theme in WordPress projects is crucial, and allows you to preserve parent theme updates, but also to modify or expand the parent theme, to keep your custom-made code separated and easy to maintain.
We have created a future-proofed, developer-friendly Astratic Child Theme that will help you whenever you need to add a couple of lines of code to make the final touch adjustments on your project or add a custom feature requested by your client.
How to use it? It’s simple
- Download the child theme zip package.
- Unzip the theme files.
- In the terminal navigate to the theme directory.
- Use the command: yarn
- Use the command: yarn build
- Use the command: yarn watch
📎 read more about how to start with yarn ⧉
Useful commands
- yarn dev – build a theme for development purposes (no minification)
- yarn build – build a theme for production purposes (with minification)
- yarn watch – allows you to see and test all changes in real-time as the script will continue to watch for changes in any of the files
- yarn rmdist – remove dist folder
- yarn rmbuild – remove build folder
What’s included
The development version of the Astratic child theme uses Node and Yarn to maintain packages and asset building. We’re using node v16.12.0 and yarn v1.22.10.
If you didn’t use Node before, check the official website for documentation and download links: ⧉.
Core package required to maintain the assets for the build is laravel-mix
- Official docs: Laravel installation guide ⧉
- YouTube tutorial: Understanding Laravel Mix ⧉
We’re also using Sass preprocessor to work with CSS styles and Babel to maintain backward compatibility.
Feel free to ask us anything!